major-domo|major domo|major domos in English


manager of a household; seneschal

Use "major-domo|major domo|major domos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "major-domo|major domo|major domos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "major-domo|major domo|major domos", or refer to the context using the word "major-domo|major domo|major domos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Footmen in livery and knee-breeches drew back and replaced the guests'chairs when they sat down(, while the major-domo ceremoniously ladled out steaming soup from a silver tureen.

2. A major Category a major Category of vehicle Theft is one of the major categories of crime

3. Canis Major.

4. What major?

5. Major hangover.

6. Two major events precipitated a major resurgence in Norwegian literature.

7. Major radius

8. Major arteries.

9. There are garrisons in major cities and major army bases.

10. Major Requirements Concentrations

11. Armed adventurists, Major?

12. Major radius (z

13. Major radius (x

14. Major hull damage, Captain.

15. Major Government Benefits Programs

16. Catchphrase Game Major Features

17. Major-accident prevention policy

18. What's the drill, major?

19. Oh, major shampoo explosion!

20. Major Ayurvedic classics: Brhattrayi

21. Major open access statements

22. * Major General John A.H.

23. – Architectural history major, Yale.

24. 'Halt!' the Major ordered .

25. It offers both a major and a minor in Archaeology, and a major in